Campus Ministry Grows and Students Take Initiative in Diocesan High Schools

Allentown Diocese high schools are boasting their best years yet in Campus Ministry. Some students attend early morning Mass of their own accord, others have started their own Bible studies, and several non-Catholic students have sought OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) so they can enter the Catholic Church.

One reason for this growth is the schools’ partnership with “Live Vertical.” Rob Longo, Live Vertical’s founder and Chief Evangelization Officer, said the organization is devoted to “helping create a Eucharistic culture of missionary disciples in Catholic schools.”

Live Vertical assists schools in organizing and training campus ministry teams, and they plan days of adoration, retreats for students, and formation for Campus Minsters.

“Live Vertical has had a big influence on Campus Ministry at Berks Catholic [High School],” said Deacon Rick Lanciano, who serves as Campus Minister. “They have really helped us think outside the box, which is so important for Campus Ministry.

“Our mission in Campus Ministry at Berks is to find ways to help students experience an encounter with Jesus Christ and His grace, and to cultivate an appreciation for the Church’s sacramental life.”

Deacon Lanciano also spoke of the importance of having student leaders in ministry. “If they see and understand that the Church wants them involved, then they’ll stay involved as adults,” he said.

One student plans to start her own Bible study at Berks, and a team of student leaders and staff are organizing “Kairos Small Group Reunions.” Kairos retreats are days of talks, testimony, and worship that often have great impact on the students. The Berks Campus Ministry team hopes that reuniting the small groups from Kairos will help cultivate the seeds planted during those retreats.

Father Stephen Isaac, Chaplain of Bethlehem Catholic High School, said, “The goal of Campus Ministry at our school is to help our students grow in their personal relationship with Christ, in and through His Catholic Church, so that they can grow in holiness, be truly happy and free, and be the saints the Lord is calling them to become."

The Campus Ministry team at Bethlehem Catholic, composed of students, faculty, and staff, has assembled numerous opportunities to enact their mission. Once a month, the entire school prays the Rosary together over the PA system. Students can also receive Confession any time they want, simply by walking into Father Isaac’s office.

On the first Thursday and Friday of every month, representatives from Live Vertical facilitate day-long Eucharistic Adoration at Bethlehem Catholic, and every student spends their theology class time worshipping the Blessed Sacrament. If a student has any question regarding the faith, they can submit it anonymously to “Questions for Father Isaac,” and Father answers them in an email to the entire school community.

Bethlehem Catholic has also instituted 7:30 a.m. daily Mass for anyone who wants to attend. “Whenever a student comes to daily Mass at 7:30 a.m., or asks to go to confession, or even just steps into the chapel to be with Our Lord in prayer – that is a victory of the Holy Spirit and a definite fruit of His grace and work – for which I'm so grateful!” said Father Isaac.

Pat Smith, Campus Minister at Marian Catholic High School, Tamaqua, engages in community service right along with his students, assisting with the Catholic Charities Food Truck. “Our mission in Campus Ministry is helping students develop a personal relationship with Christ in the Eucharist and then helping them take that relationship out into the world,” he said.

Live Vertical also hosts their guided Adoration days at Marian, and the school offers additional Adoration times every Monday and Friday morning. Many Marian highschoolers choose to spend their Friday lunch periods reflecting on the Sunday Gospel in student-led groups. Regularly, students lead the Rosary and Stations of the Cross.

“The day-to-day is my favorite part of the job,” said Smith. “When students realize that Catholicism is a dynamically-lived faith and not just a set of rules – it is so beautiful and so rewarding.”

By Genevieve O’Connor, Communications Specialist and Campus Minister of Muhlenberg College, Allentown. She holds an MTS in Moral Theology from the University of Notre Dame and an MFA in Creative Writing from DeSales University, Center Valley.