Upcoming Special Events

Join us for our upcoming special events!


Updated 3-21-2025      

Young Adult Mass for the Jubilee Year

Young adults of the Diocese of Allentown are invited to participate in a special Jubilee Year of Hope Mass at the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena on March 25th, 2025, the feast of St. Catherine of Siena. Confessions and adoration will begin at 6 pm, and Mass will start at 7 pm. St. Catharine of Siena is one of four designated pilgrimage sites within the Diocese of Allentown, where individuals can receive a plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year of Hope. A Jubilee Year is held every 25 years and focuses on a tenet of the Catholic Faith; this year, it is hope. An indulgence is a grace granted to remove temporal punishment due to sin. To learn more about the Jubilee Year of Hope in the Diocese of Allentown, the pilgrimage sites, and the specific requirements to receive an indulgence, please check out the information and resources at https://www.allentowndiocese.org/jubileeyear.

Monthly Homeschooling Mass - April 2

The Mother of Hope Homeschool Academy invites all homeschooling families to the next Monthly Homeschooling Mass at 10am on April 2 at St. Ursula, Fountain Hill. Homeschooling families with children of all ages, families who are discerning to homeschool their children, and young families are all welcome! Bring your own lunch for a social afterwards.

Young Adult Iron Pigs Night

Join us for a night at the stadium to watch the Iron Pigs on April 10th at 6:45pm! We will be on the patio which includes buffet food, drinks, and new friends! The teams playing are Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs vs Syracuse Mets. $20pp max 60 people, $5 parking not included. See flyer hereSign up here.

Stations of the Cross in Support of Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Please join us on April 11th at 7pm at St. Paul Church in Allentown for the Stations of the Cross with Bishop Schlert in support of survivors of sexual abuse. Address: 920 S 2nd St., Allentown, PA. See flyer here

"Where is God Calling You?" Vocations Retreat

Everyone needs a vocations retreat! Join us for a day of prayer, contemplation, and community on April 12, 10am - 3pm, at St. Mary's Church, Kutztown. Whichever vocation you're discerning (priesthood, married life, consecrated life, or single life), we're here to support you. This retreat will allow you to encounter speakers from all these callings and give you a space to listen to God's voice in exploring your vocation. See flyer hereRegister here.

The 34th "We Are Remembered Ministry" Easter Mass

The 34th Annual Easter Mass sponsored by the Diocesan “We Are Remembered” Ministry will be celebrated by Reverend Joseph Kweder on Wednesday, April 23 at 7 p.m. at Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Whitehall. “We minister and welcome all who mourn the death and passing of a loved one,” says the ministry. Monday, April 14, 2025 is the deadline to have the names of loved ones enrolled to ensure their inclusion in the Book of the Remembered and the enrollment list that will be printed afterward in the AD Times. We Are Remembered requests a $5 donation for each name enrolled to cover expenses. Every name submitted will be enrolled regardless of donation. “The work of the ministry is sustained by your generosity and prayerful support.” To register, send the letter attached here and checks to: We Are Remembered Ministry, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, 618 Fullerton Avenue, Whitehall, PA  18052.

Second Annual St. Monica Ministry Weekend Retreat

“His Mercy Endures: Harboring Hope for the Fallen-Away” is the theme of the second annual St. Monica Ministry weekend retreat, taking place Friday, April 25 through Sunday, April 27 at the Peace Retreat House, Weatherly, PA. Speaking will be Dr. David Carollo, Executive Director World Apostolate of Fatima / Blue Army Shrine; Dr. Carmina Chapp, Dean of the School of Theological Studies, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary; Dr. Michael Behe, Professor of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University and author of Darwin's Black Box, and award-winning author Sarah Robsdottir (Brave Water and Joan of Arkansas). An “Irish Music Night” will feature Rev. Alexander Brown, Parochial Vicar at St. Anne Parish, Bethlehem.  The weekend will also include Friday Holy Hour, Saturday and Sunday Masses, a wine and cheese hour, outdoor rosary, a Pietra fitness class, and an Art ‘n’ Soul collaging session. The retreat fee of $225 includes two nights' accommodations plus all meals and incidentals. The $50 Saturday-only option includes lunch. Please note that space is limited!  For more information, email [email protected]View the flyer here

Anointing of the Sick Masses with Bishop Schlert

Bishop Schlert will be celebrating Masses that offer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick in various locations throughout the year. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is given to anyone who is seriously ill, either physically or mentally, or to anyone advanced in age or facing a medical procedure. This great gift of grace offers holistic healing by praying for a cure, but, more importantly, for the gift of hope and peace that the sufferer would be united to Christ on the Cross. 

St. Ambrose – Schuylkill Haven – May 4, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. Mass

St. Thomas More – Allentown – August 24, 2025 at 12 p.m. Mass

St. Catharine of Siena – Reading – September 7, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. Mass

St. Joseph – Summit Hill – November 23, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. Mass 

Steubenville Youth Conference Trip - Summer 2025

Calling all high schoolers! In our ever-changing world, Jesus is the answer to the longing of our hearts for meaning, fulfillment, security, and love. Join hundreds of Catholic teens at the Steubenville Youth Conference at the Franciscan University of Steubenville on June 27th through 29th, 2025, to be transformed by the love of Christ. All teens who will be rising freshmen in high school through rising freshmen in college for the 2025-2026 academic year are invited to attend this retreat with our group. Cost of conference: $265 pp; Cost of Charter Bus Transportation: $100 pp; Transportation is free for St. Joseph the Worker teens. If you are interested in attending, you can learn more about the trip by contacting Annaleigh Gidosh at (484)330-6380 or [email protected]. To see the promotional flyer, click here.

Pilgrimage from Paris to Lourdes

Join Holy Family Parish of Minersville in a Pilgrimage from Paris to Lourdes, France, April 27 - May 6, 2025. Highlights include Mass every day, the newly reopened Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, tours of the Louvre, Versailles and dinner in the Eiffel Tower. We will also visit the Mother House of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Lyon and the Papal Palace of Avignon with a wine tasting at the Papal Vineyards of Châteauneuf du Pape. The tour culminates with our visit to the grotto of Lourdes where the Blessed Mother visited St. Bernadette as we celebrate Mass and participate in the Eucharistic and Candle Lit Marian Processions.

Pilgrimage: National Shrines of St. John Neumann & St. Rita of Cascia, Philadelphia, Thurs. May 8 

$69, optional lunch $10. Bus leaves Trident (1060 Flexer Ave., Allentown) at 8:15 AM.  Includes Mass, presentation, museum, Adoration, Plenary indulgence opportunity. For reservations/info, contact Jane DeMelfy at [email protected] or 484-707-7531. Checks must be in by 4/1/25. Make checks to STM Women’s Guild and mail to: Jane DeMelfy, 3305 The Strand, Allentown, PA 18103.

Camp Cadet with Pennsylvania Police Troop M

The Pennsylvania State Police Troop M will once again be hosting the annual Pennsylvania State Police Camp Cadet Program at Camp Fowler, 5851 Horseshoe Road, Orefield (Lehigh County). Camp Cadet will take place from Sunday, June 8, 2025, through

Friday June 13, 2025. Camp Cadet is an overnight summer camp for boys and girls between the ages of 12 to 15 years old. The goal of Camp Cadet is to introduce cadets to the diverse criminal justice system and establish a positive relationship between law enforcement and youth, while living in an atmosphere similar to an actual State Police Academy. 

For those who are interested in attending Troop M Camp Cadet, registration can be done by going online and registering through this link: https://www.troopmcampcadet.org/. Registration is now open throughout February or until slots are filled. Contact: Trooper Nathan T. Branosky at [email protected] or (610) 807 – 3395.

Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

The Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., will be on Tuesday, October 7, 2025, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Diocesan Pilgrimage tradition to Mary’s House is typically held every four years. More information will be forthcoming for individuals, parishes, and schools. Email p[email protected] or call 610-921-2729, ext. 2205. 

Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes with St. Ambrose Church 

St Ambrose Church (Schuylkill Haven) will be making a pilgrimage to Fátima and Lourdes with stops at Lisbon and Barcelona. Depart Wednesday, October 15 and return on Saturday, October 25. The all-inclusive price is $5,395. For complete details including the full itinerary, please visit stambrosehaven.com or call Barbara Bindie at 570-385-1031. 

Retreat to Fatima and Lourdes with Fr. John Frink

Take a pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes from June 7-16, 2026 under the spiritual direction of Fr. John Frink. Click this link: https://www.206tours.com/cms/frfrink/ to view detailed itinerary, pricing information, and to book.

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