Diocesan Safe Environment Policies

The policy of the Diocese of Allentown focuses specifically on sexual abuse of minors (persons under 18 years of age) by Diocesan clergy, lay employees of the Diocese, lay employees of Parishes, lay volunteers of the Diocese and lay volunteers of Parishes. The Diocese considers any allegation of sexual abuse or exploitation of a minor by a cleric or a layperson an extremely serious matter. The purpose of the policy is to respond to such allegations in a way that is effective in its application and fully compliant with applicable law.

This policy applies to all priests and deacons incardinated in the Diocese of Allentown, to all lay employees of the Diocese, to all lay employees of Parishes (who are not Diocesan employees), to all lay volunteers of the Diocese and to all lay volunteers of Parishes. Religious clerics and extern clerics employed by institutions within the Diocese are subject to the direction, authority and supervision of the superiors of their respective religious order, or Bishop of their respective diocese and not the Diocese of Allentown. The Diocese will cooperate with those religious superiors and bishops and the appropriate governmental authorities to address particular situations.

Full policies in English and Spanish as well as Acknowledgment Forms are provided on this page under 'Resources' (please scroll to view).