Mandated Child Abuse Reporting

Reporting of Child Abuse and The Child Protective Services Law of Pennsylvania

The following are are provided on this page under 'Resources' (please scroll to view)

  • Mandated Reporter Training Policy (revised January 4, 2021)
  • Mandated Reporter Training Policy (Spanish)
  • Mandated Reporter FAQs
  • Mandated Reporter FAQs (Spanish)
  • Child Protective Services Law poster English
  • Child Protective Service Law poster Spanish
  • Child Protective Service Policy Acknowledgement Form
  • Flow Chart for Mandated Reporters
  • Instructions to Obtain Mandated Reporter Certificate

All persons (including volunteers) who come into contact with children at any time in the course of their work are considered mandated reporters of child abuse and are required by State Law to report to law enforcement authorities all cases of suspected child abuse.

Any person who willfully fails to report child abuse commits a crime and is subject to prosecution.

Persons having reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to child abuse, or acts of child abuse, shall report immediately to the following:

If you suspect a child is in imminent danger from abuse, PLEASE CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY.

  • Please call the Child Abuse Hotline (24-hour): 1-800-932-0313
  • Please also complete the CY 47 form available from the County Children & Youth Services.  It is to be filed within 48 hours of your call.  The form is available for completion online at or you may fax or mail the form to the appropriate Office of Children and Youth.
  • Please call the Appropriate Office of Children and Youth Services:

                      Berks: 610-478-6700                           Bucks: 215-348-6950            
                      Carbon: 570-325-3644                        Luzerne: 570-826-8710
                      Lehigh: 610-782-3064                         Monroe: 570-420-3590
                      Northampton:610-829-4690               New Jersey: 877-652-2873
                      Schuylkill: 570-628-1050                     Montgomery: 610-278-5800

  • The Pastor (or Board of Pastors of the Regional School )
  • The Principal of the school
  • Attorney Joseph A. Zator at 610-432-1900; please forward a copy of the CY-47to Attorney Zator.
  • If abuse occurs in a school setting, there may be additional reporting requirements.  Please see your Principal.  If the suspected perpetrator is the Principal, then see your Pastor, or the Superintendent of Education for the Diocese.

                   **Please document who you spoke to and when

Anyone making a report is immune from civil or criminal liability provided a report is made in good faith.

The Diocese of Allentown urges any questions  about the interpretation of the law be resolved in favor of reporting.