Offices and Ministries
A (Return to top)
“The Allentown Diocese in the Year of Our Lord”
Incorporated as Allentown Catholic Communications, Inc.
Official biweekly newspaper of the Diocese covering news affecting the Catholic community on the local diocesan, national and international level.
(610) 871-5200 ext. 2264 Fax (610) 439-7694
[email protected]
Mrs. Jill M. Caravan, Editor/Director
(610) 871-5200 ext. 2264 Fax (610) 439-7694
[email protected]
To read the latest AD Times click here.
B (Return to top)
Because We are Catholic Appeal
4029 W. Tilghman St.
Post Office Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: (610) 437-0755
Fax: (610) 433-7822
Most Rev. Alfred A. Schlert, D.D., J.C.L.
Click here for the Bishop's pages.
Rev. Keith A. Mathur, M.A., M.Div.
Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Lisa Holub
Email: [email protected]
C (Return to top)
Office of Campus Ministry
Provides pastoral care for students, faculty, administration and staff of secular and private universities and colleges.
Rev. Richard C. Brensinger,
(610) 683-8467
[email protected]
Click here to visit the Campus Ministry page.
A multi-purpose social service agency providing assistance to families, children and adults.
Administrative Office
402 West Chew Street, Allentown PA 18102
(610) 435-1541 Fax (610) 435-4367
Click here for the Catholic Charities pages.
Click here to access online training.
Phone: (610) 439-7696
Fax: 610-289-6725
Address: PO Box F, Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Mrs. Jessica Farnschlader
Assistant Claims/Risk Manager
Office: 610-439-7696, Ext. 2271
Cell: 610-349-9307
[email protected]
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
(610) 865-6245 Fax (610) 865-6437
Holy Family Senior Living
(208 bed skilled nursing home)
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
(610) 865-5595 Fax (610) 997-8454
Grace Mansion
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Personal care home for 26
(610) 865-6748 Fax (610) 997-8444
Trexler Pavilion
1220 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Personal care home for 23
(610) 868-7776 Fax (610) 865-7775
Catholic Senior Housing Development and Management
Management agent for eight Catholic housing corporations
(280 independent living apartments)
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
(610) 865-3963 Fax (610) 865-0959
Catholic Housing Corporation of Bethlehem
Holy Family Apartments (50 apartments)
330-338 13th Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
(610) 866-4603 Fax (610) 866-1622
The Antonian, Ltd.
Antonian Towers (50 apartments)
2405 Hillside Ave.
Easton, PA 18042
(610) 258-2033 Fax (610) 258-6541
Catholic Housing Corporation of Lansford, Inc.
St. Ann Apartments (17 apartments)
30 E. Bertsch St.
Lansford, PA 18218
(570) 429-0699
Catholic Housing Corporation of New Philadelphia
Holy Family Apartments (11 apartments)
100 Valley St.
New Philadelphia, PA 17959
(570) 429-0699 Fax (570) 429-2368
Catholic Housing Corporation of Northern Berks County
Queen of Angels Apartments (45 apartments)
22 Rothermel St.
Hyde Park, PA 19605
(610) 921-3115 Fax (610) 921-8576
Catholic Housing Corporation of Schuylkill County
Queen of Peace Apartments (48 apartments)
777 Water St.
Pottsville, PA 17901
(570) 628-4504 Fax (570) 628-4712
Catholic Housing Corporation of Saint Clair
Neumann Apartments (24 apartments)
25 N. Nichols St.
Saint Clair, PA 17970
(570) 429-0699 Fax (570) 429-2368
St. Catharine Senior Apartments (35 apartments)
2000 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606
(610)-743-5374 Fax (610)-743-5418
Holy Saviour Cemetery
2575 Linden St.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-3842
Phone: 610-866-2372
Fax: 610-866-9277
Resurrection Cemetery
547 N. Krocks Rd.
Allentown, PA 18106-9732
Phone: 610-395-3819
Fax: 610-366-3713
For more infomation about Diocesan Cemeteries visit:
For a listing of Parish Cemeteries click here for the PDF.
Director of Cemeteries
Rev. Msgr. William F. Baver, C.C.C.E.
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2234
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Superintendent of Cemeteries
Mr. Brian Palma
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 610-866-2372, Ext. 4
Fax: 610-866-9277
Family Services Representative
Mr. Tim Ferguson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 610-454-8556
Mr. Jim Hoffmann
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 484-387-6826
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Mary Motley
Phone: 484-215-5822
Email: [email protected]
Consults on, implements and maintains canonical and administrative records of the Diocese. Processes marriage dispensations, canonical permissions, requests for Papal Blessings, Papal Audience tickets; coordinates gathering of statistics from the Spiritual Report.
4029 W. Tilghman St.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Rev. Keith A. Mathur, M.A., M.Div., Chancellor
Phone: (610) 437-0755
Fax: (610) 433-7822
[email protected]
The Commission for Women shall serve as an advisory board to the Bishop of Allentown offering the woman’s perspective on issues of concern to our Bishop and the Church. The Commission for Women is committed to identifying and exploring issues in which consideration of feminine perspectives and insight deepens our collective awareness and understanding of those issues.
For more information, contact Rhady Tulloch, Director of Marriage and Family Life
[email protected]
Office of Communications
Provides internal and external communications for the Diocese and its ministries. Publishes AD Today, the Diocese’s electronic news source, at; publishes the AD Times, the Diocese’s print and online newspaper; represents the Diocese in the news media; and communicates via social media and the web.
Lina Tavarez
Executive Director of Communications
Phone: (610) 871-5200 ext. 2274
Cell: (610) 844-7672
[email protected]
Jill Caravan
Editor of the AD Times
Phone: (610) 871-5200 ext. 2266
[email protected]
Lillian Fallon
Digital Media Specialist
Phone: (484) 861-0814
Genevieve O'Connor
Communications Specialist
Phone: (484) 705-7661
[email protected]
Courage is an international apostolate of the Catholic Church which ministers to persons with same-sex attractions. EnCourage ministers to the spouses, families, and friends struggling with the issue of same-sex attractions. Both support groups meet monthly.
Director: Rev. Bernard J. Ezaki
Assistant Director: Deacon Christopher May
Cell: 610-573-7150
Email: [email protected]
D (Return to top)
Deals with ethical concerns in Catholic Health Care.
Director: Rev. John A. Krivak
Annunciation B.V.M. Rectory
122 Union St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032-1923
Phone: 610-264-0332 Fax: 610-264-5271
Office for Ministry with Persons with Disablities
The Office for Ministry with Persons with Disabilities, Catholic Life and Evangelization, Diocese of Allentown, is committed to facilitate the implementation of the Pastoral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops on People with Disabilities which calls for “realizing the unique gifts individuals with disabilities have to offer the Church” and Society and to advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the full participation of the liturgical and sacramental life of the church.
Click here to visit the Office for Ministry with Persons with Disabilities pages.
E (Return to top)
The Early Childhood Education Department assists the Superintendent in all matters and programs pertaining to Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Programs such as: developing Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten curriculum, sponsoring staff development workshops, directing the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten committees, and acting as a liaison of the Superintendent with pastors, principals, teachers, and parents concerned with Early Childhood issues.
Click here for the Elementary Education page.
Click here to visit the scholarship page.
Maintains and cultivates understanding, respect and cooperation between the diocese and other Christian and non-Christian communities in the diocesan area through education, dialogue and common witness.
Rev. Dr. John A. Krivak
Phone 610-264-0332
Email: [email protected]
The Elementary School Religious Education Department assists the superintendent in matters and programs pertaining to religious education such as: conducting meetings with elementary religion coordinators; conducting the Religious Education Certificate Program for teachers; coordinating new teacher reflection days; assists in coordinating retreats and days of recollection for teachers; visiting schools to review religion programs; assisting in the development of religion curriculum; coordinating the RAINBOWS program; acting as a liaison of the Superintendent with pastors, principals, teachers, and parents in matters pertaining to elementary school religious education.
Kristin Osenbach
[email protected]
Click here for the Parish Religious Education page.
F (Return to top)
Responsible for the policies, processes and administration of Diocese accounting functions, including accounts receivable, accounts payable, operating budget, annual audit, and financial reports for the diocesan administrative and secretariat offices and diocesan cemeteries. Also provides accounting services through service agreements to Catholic trusts and non-profit corporations, and pension plans within the Diocese of Allentown.
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Robert Ferrandino
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2239
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jeffrey K. Buck
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2102
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Accounting Manager, Accounts Receivable and Cash Management
Mrs. Sue E. Crawford
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2225
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Accounts Payable Supervisor
Mrs. Michelle A. Prudhomme
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2222
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Accounting Specialist, Cemeteries and General Accounting
Mrs. Melissa A. Stewart
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2106
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Payroll Administrator
Mrs. Lori Gaugler
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2226
Fax: 610-439-7693
Email: [email protected]
Forward with Christ Allocations Committee
Rev. Msgr. William F. Baver,
SS. Simon and Jude Rectory
7th Ave. and W. Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-5295
(610) 866-5582 ext. 4 Fax (610) 866-2992
G (Return to top)
Government Affairs
Serves the parishes and schools of the Diocese of Allentown by monitoring, assessing and responding to legislation that may impact the programs and services they provide.
Mr. Matthew T. Kerr,
Phone: (610) 871-5200 ext. 2265
Fax: (610) 439-7694
[email protected]
The Government Programs Department is responsible for coordinating and monitoring federal, state and locally funded programs providing special education, remedial and auxiliary services, professional development, textbooks, instructional materials, equipment and technology. The Department works with school districts, intermediate units, state and federal officials to assure equitable Participation of diocesan staff and students in discretionary as well as competitive programs.. The Department monitors current and proposed legislation to advocate support from appropriate political constituencies.
Mr. John Fierro
Program Manager, Scholarship
(610) 866-0581, ext. 2344
[email protected]
H (Return to top)
Provides interaction with the other offices to assure that services are available throughout the diocese and serves as a liaison and catalyst for the Hispanic community.
Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer,
Regional Priest Coordinator, Lehigh & Northampton
[email protected]
Rev. Msgr. Thomas Orsulak,
Regional Priest Coordinator, Berks, Schuylkill & Carbon
[email protected]
Ana Hidalgo, Th.M.
Bishop's Delegate to the Hispanic Community
610-866-0581, ext. 2034
[email protected]
Click here to get to the Hispanic Ministry pages.
Serves all Diocesan locations in providing information, assistance and policies relating to all employees and all aspects of the employment process – the development of job descriptions; employee recruiting, interviewing, hiring and training; performance appraisals and employee relations; succession planning, payroll, employee benefits, background check services, etc.
1515 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Executive Director, Human Resources and Information Technology
Mr. Michael Doolittle
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2262
Fax: 610-439-7693
Email: [email protected]
Benefits Manager
Ms. Amy Bober
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2201
Fax: 610-439-7693
Email: [email protected]
Human Resources Generalist
Ms. Anna Petrik
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2273
Fax: 610-439-7693
Email: [email protected]
Human Resources Generalist
Mariyanne Rofaiel, MBA
Phone: 610-871-5200 ext. 2261
Fax: 610-439-7693
Email: [email protected]
I (Return to top)
The Office of Adult Formation seeks to provide adult catechesis and formation that will promote a genuine love for Jesus Christ and bear fruit in the Church. This two-fold objective forms the foundation of the Institute for Catechesis and Formation (ICF), which offers Faith Enrichment courses for adults, as well as specialized formation and training for parish staff, liturgical ministers, volunteers, and catechists.
Click here for the Institute for Catechesis and Formation pages.
Provides an insurance program that protects diocesan assets and real estate; answers claim questions; provides and coordinates risk management and loss prevention services; oversees maintenance of diocesan facilities, real estate transactions and reviews leases and contracts.
Mr. David Wong, PMP
Manager of Properties and Facilities
Diocese of Allentown
Office: (610) 871-5200, ext. 2259
Cell: (610) 663-5175
[email protected]
Mrs. Karen Messics, A.R.M.
Risk/Claims Manager
Catholic Mutual Group
Office: (610) 439-7696, ext. 2267
Cell: (484) 425-1954
[email protected]
For a list of available equipment, please click here.
L (Return to top)
M (Return to top)
The Office of Multicultural Affairs is dedicated to creating an awareness of the rich ethnic diversity in the Diocese of Allentown, and develop outreach programs and resource materials which challenge parishes and individuals to strive to welcome cultural diversity. The Church’s call to communion, solidarity and conversion to the stranger in our midst encourages the newcomer’s inclusion and participation in a parish.
O (Return to top)
Serves as a resource for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy throughout the Diocese of Allentown. Provides in a general way for the continuing education of priests, deacons, and the lay faithful in liturgical matters. Assists the Bishop in the planning and preparing of all the liturgical celebrations in the Diocese for which he is the main celebrant. Fosters liturgical renewal and develops full, active, and conscious participation in Divine Worship.
Rev. Keith A. Mathur, M.A., M.Div.
4029 W. Tilghman St.
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Email: [email protected]
Beverly McDevitt,
Diocesan Choir Director
To go to the Divine Worship page click here.
P (Return to top)
Provides accounting and administrative support to Diocesan parishes, schools, cemeteries and institutions; reviews budget and financial reports and provides auditing and tax services for the Diocese.
Director, Parish and School Support Services
Mrs. Leslie Shirock, M.B.A.
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2228
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Parish Support and Auditor
Mr. John (Jack) Torcivia
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2238
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Manager of School Finance
Ms. Lisa Arant
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. TBD
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Business Managers:
Contact: Leslie Shirock
St. Patrick Parish
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3012
Phone: 570-622-1802
Mrs. Maria Castillo
St. Margaret Parish
925 Centre Ave.
Reading, PA 19601-2105
Phone: 610-376-2919
Mrs. Karen Feiller
St. John the Baptist Parish
924 N. Front St.
Allentown, PA 18102-1912
Phone: 610-432-0034
The Parish Religious Education Department assists the superintendent in matters and programs pertaining to religious education such as: recommending and interviewing parish religious education applicants for placement; reviewing religious education reports, meeting with parish religious education personnel on an individual basis; overseeing the Association of Director/Coordinator/Administrators of Religious Education (ACRE); conducting the Religious Education Certificate Program for catechists; visiting parishes to review religion programs; assisting in the development of religion curriculum; coordinating the parish RAINBOWS program; coordinating the Eastern PA Director/Coordinator/Administrators Conference (EPDRE); acting as a liaison of the Superintendent with pastors, principals, catechists, and parents in matters pertaining to parish religious education.
(610) 866-0581
Click here for the Parish Religious Education page
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2281
Fax: 610-871-5211
Vicar for Pastoral Planning Monsignor David L. James [email protected]
Click here for the Pastoral Planning page
Office of the Permanent Diaconate
Reverend P. Eugene P. Ritz
Director of Formation
Deacon Frederick T. Lanciano,
Assistant to the Director of Permanent Diaconate Formation.
Deacon Joseph T. Cannon,
Assistant to the Director of Permanent Diaconate Formation.
2145 Madison Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-4642
Phone: (610) 332-0442
Fax: (610) 332-0444
[email protected]
This Personnel Department addresses matters and programs pertaining to the teachers of the Diocese, such as; recommending and interviewing lay teacher applicants for placement, reviewing teacher evaluation reports, conducting new teacher induction programs, and acting as a liaison of the Superintendent with pastors, principals, teachers, and parents in matters pertaining to teachers. The Department also participates in the deliberations of the Teachers Working Conditions Committee and the Ad Hoc Negotiating Committee.
Mrs. Michele Mullikin,
Director of Parish Stewardship and the Bishop’s Annual Appeal
(610) 871-5200 ext. 2282
[email protected]
Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States
Diocese of Allentown
1515 Martin Luther King Jr., PO Box F
Allentown, PA 18105
Rev. Andrew Torma, M.S.C.
Diocesan Director
[email protected]
Click here to get to the Local Poverty Relief page.
Office of Priest Personnel
Coordinates and oversees the personnel needs of the priests and the pastoral exigencies of the Diocese.
Rev. Adam C. Sedar,
Phone: (610) 437-0755
Fax: (610) 433-7822
Office of Prison Ministry
Responsible for development of prison ministry outreach in the diocese. Includes advocacy and recruitment and training of volunteers to serve in prison ministry.
Maggie Riggins
Executive Director of Evangelization and Formation
610-866-0581 Ext. 2022
[email protected]
Office of Pro-life Activities and Social Concerns
Coordinates activities and programs within the Diocese and assists the parishes in implementing Pro-Life activities including educational, pastoral, public policy programs, and prayer and worship. Acting as a catalyst, the office promotes the social mission of the Church. It encourages individuals and parishes to formulate a Gospel response to the social issues of the day. The Office of Pro-Life Activities and Social Concern educates, advocates and challenges people to put faith into action.
S (Return to top)
Dr. Sarah Kerins
Director of School Marketing & Enrollment
Diocese of Allentown | Office of Education
tel: (610) 866-0581
1425 Mountain Drive North, Bethlehem, PA 18015
[email protected]
The Secondary Schools Department assists the Superintendent in all matters and programs pertaining to Secondary Schools such as: developing Secondary Education curriculum, sponsoring staff development workshops, and working with the Secondary Management Assistance Team (SMAT). The Secondary Schools Department oversees and directs the Secondary Principals Committee, the Directors of Spiritual Activities Committee, and the Theology Department Chairpersons Committee. The Department serves as a liaison of the Superintendent with pastors, principals, teachers, and parents concerned with Secondary Schools issues.
(610) 866-0581 Fax (610) 867-8702
Click here for the Secondary Schools page
Secretary for Administration
Kim Viti Fiorentino
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2205
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: [email protected]
Pamela J. Russo, L.S.W, M.S.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
610-871-5200 ext. 2204
[email protected]
Go to Youth Protection by clicking here.
Go to Catholic Senior Housing and Health Care Services, Inc. by clicking here.
Go to Catholic Charities by clicking here.
The Special Education Programs Department promotes and fosters the Catholic identity of the Special Learning Centers and Aquinas Program; provides administrative support and supervision to the principals of the Special Learning Centers and Aquinas Program; represents the Office of Education on each Special Learning Center Development Advisory Board and participates on boards/committees whose mission is advocacy/service to children and adults with disabilities; prepares and monitors the Aquinas Programs’ budgets, reviews requests for financial aid, bills and receives tuition and maintains financial records for the program.
1515 Martin Luther King Jr.
Allentown, PA 18105
Click here for Catholic Special education
An international Catholic organization of Conferences comprised of laypersons that, in the spirit of charity and justice, seek to help those who are suffering.
Elizabeth Harrison,
President of Diocesan Council
969 Port Carbon St.
Pottsville, PA 17901
Phone/Fax (570) 622-6289
Voicemail (570) 429-2911
The Stewardship and Development Office supports fundraising and donor activities on behalf of all parishes, schools and ministries serving the Diocese of Allentown including the Because We Are Catholic, Planned Giving and special campaigns.
Executive Director of Stewardship and Development:
Mr. Paul J. Acampora
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2210
Email: [email protected]
Because We Are Catholic Annual Appeal
Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-831-4443
Fax: 610-871-5211
Director of Parish Stewardship and Annual Giving:
Mrs. Michele Mullikin
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2282
Email: [email protected]
Major and Planned Gifts Officer:
Mrs. Ginny Downey
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2244
Email: [email protected]
Database Administrator:
Ms. Carol Mayernik
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2284
Email: [email protected]
Donor Relations Manager:
Ms. Tammy Reid
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2268
Email: [email protected]
Donor Relations Manager:
Ms. Gia Maccari
Phone: 610-871-5200
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Michael St. Pierre, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Phone: (610) 866-0581
Fax: (610) 867-8702
[email protected]
Karen Rolston
Assistant Superintendent
Phone: (610) 866-0581, ext. 2326
Fax: (610) 867-8702
[email protected]
Monica Henrich
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 866-0581, ext. 2328
Fax: (610) 867-8702
[email protected]
Elena Lanzieri
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 866-0581, ext. 2310
Fax: (610) 867-8702
[email protected]
T (Return to top)
Diocesan Tribunal
The church court principally involved in trying cases of marital invalidity.
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA. 18195
(610) 434-3200
Fax (610) 433-3104
Judicial Vicar
Reverend Monsignor Victor F. Finelli,, M.Div., Th.M., J.V., J.C.L.,
Rev. Msgr. Victor F. Finelli
Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Koons
Rev. Msgr. David J. Morrison
Promoter of Justice
Rev. Eugene Ritz
Defenders of the Bond
Rev. Msgr. David L. James
Rev. David J. Kozak
Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Biszek
Rev. Msgr. David L. James
Rev. Daniel E. Kravatz
Deacon Richard L. Benkovic
Deacon William R. Hassler
Mrs. Kathleen Snyder
Click here to go to the Tribunal page
V (Return to top)
Oversees coordination of all administrative offices of the Diocese; assists the Diocesan Bishop in the exercise of his executive power by overseeing the governance of the Diocese. Processes requests for Papal Blessings, Papal Audience tickets, coordinates gathering of statistics from the Spiritual Report.
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky, V.G., M.Div., Th.M.
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Christina Lopez
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Email: [email protected]
The Victim's Assistance Coordinator coordinates assistance for the immediate pastoral care of persons who claim to have been sexually abused when they were minors by priests or deacons.
Wendy S. Krisak, Coordinator
1 -800-791-9209 Fax 610-871-5211
Click here to go to the Victim Assistance Coordinator landing page
Office of Vocations
Selection and formation of candidates for the Diocesan priesthood.
Reverend John C. Maria, M.Div., M.A.,
Director, Office for Vocations Promotion
Phone: (610) 437-0755
Fax: (610) 433-7822
Email: [email protected]
Click here to go to the Vocations page
Y (Return to top)
Assists parishes in their ministry to young people by fostering personal and spiritual growth; coordinates various programs on a diocesan level to strengthen the spiritual, physical, intellectual and social qualities of young people.
Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Zelenda Hodgskin
Phone: 610-871-5200 ext. 2312
Email: [email protected]
For more information, please call the Office of Evangelization, Education, and Formation at 610-866-0581.
Click here to go to the Youth and Young Adult pages
Safe Environment Office
Pamela J. Russo, L.S.W, M.S.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
610-871-5200 ext. 2204
[email protected]
Click here to go to the Youth Protection pages