Bishop Alfred Schlert, center, celebrates a special Carbon Deanery Mass. Joining the Bishop are, from left, Father Francis Baransky, Father William Campion, Deacon John Mroz, Deacon Dr. Edward Girard, Father James Ward, Father Michael Ahrensfield, Msgr. Victor Finelli, Msgr. John Chizmar and Father Allen Hoffa. (Photos by John Simitz)
Bishop Alfred Schlert celebrated a special Carbon Deanery Mass Sept. 25 at St Joseph, Jim Thorpe, his first Mass in the Carbon Deanery since being ordained and installed Bishop of Allentown Aug. 31.
“We are happy to welcome our new shepherd to this corner of his Diocese and pray that his ministry among us will truly ‘feed his sheep’ with hope and encouragement,” said Father Francis Baransky, pastor of St. Joseph, alluding to Bishop Schlert’s episcopal motto “Feed My Sheep.”