Policy for Speakers

Diocesan Policy for a Speaker on any Religious Topic Or for Someone who is Conducting Spiritual Services

The Bishop of the Diocese of Allentown is the chief teacher of all the Christian faithful entrusted to his care. Ordained to the fullness of the Office of Teacher, he has the primary responsibility to present and explain the truths of the faith, which are to be believed and applied to moral issues. Priests and Deacons who are cooperators with the Bishop also exercise this ministry of the Word in union with their Bishop. Qualified laity, by virtue of their Baptism and particular expertise, also participate in the Church’s work of teaching and preaching. 

Catholic clergy and laity who have the responsibility of engaging speakers for spiritual and educational programs in parishes, schools, institutions, and with other groups throughout the Diocese are urged to be especially vigilant that these speakers will communicate the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church and foster genuine spiritual growth in the Catholic faith. 

The responsibility for the approval process for speakers rests with the Executive Director of Evangelization and Formation for speakers or resources presented at events in English and with the Bishop’s Delegate to the Hispanic Community for speakers or resources presented at events in Spanish. 

In order to assure that the one true Catholic faith is taught genuinely and truly nourishes the spiritual lives of the Catholic faithful of the Diocese of Allentown, these guidelines are to be followed when scheduling a speaker on any religious, theological, moral, or liturgical topic. 

1 - All requests for the approval of a speaker must include the specific event and date. No requests for general approval will be accepted.

2 - Before a member of the Catholic clergy or a religious community is scheduled to speak publicly within the Diocese, it must be clear that the individual enjoys the endorsement of his or her current proper Bishop or Religious Superior. 

3 - Lay Speakers: If the lay speaker is from the Diocese of Allentown, the endorsement of his or her Pastor is required. 

4 - If the lay speaker is from outside the Diocese of Allentown, he or she must enjoy the endorsement of his/her current proper Bishop and his/her local Pastor. 

5 - The request for a Non-Catholic Speaker must be accompanied with a rationale from the sponsoring parish, school, or organization explaining why a non-Catholic speaker is being asked to present on a Catholic religious or theological topic. 

6 - When written proof has been obtained certifying that the proposed speaker has the endorsement of his/her proper Church Authority, the pastor, administrator, etc., who will be sponsoring the speaker must submit a written request (“Request for Authorization for a Speaker on any Religious Topic”) to the Executive Director for Evangelization and Formation/Bishop’s Delegate to the Hispanic Community at least two months in advance for review and approval. View the form in Spanish here. For priests and deacons, this request must also be accompanied by a Letter of Suitability for Ministry and will be forwarded to the Office of the Vicar for Clergy. 

7 - Safe Environment Certification 

If the non-ordained religious and laity or non-Catholic speaker will be in direct contact with children, i.e., the Speaker will provide care, supervision, guidance and/or control of children as part of their speaking engagement, the speaker must furnish the following background checks (dated within one year of the speaking event) to the Secretary for Catholic Health, Human Services and Youth Protection at least two months prior to the event: 

  • Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check (Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History (PATCH)) 
  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance 
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Background Fingerprint Check (18+ years old) 

Also, at the sole discretion of the Secretary for Catholic Health, Human Services and Youth Protection, depending upon the extent and length of contact with children, the Speaker may be required to provide proof of safe environment training, including Mandated Reporter Training by a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved course. 

If the Speaker is being paid to speak at a school, the “School Vendors and Contractors Policy” is applicable. The Speaker is required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Code to provide the above listed background checks prior to speaking. 

Only after the Secretary for Catholic Health, Human Services, and Youth Protection has received and reviewed all of the above and communicated safe environment approval to the Executive Director of Evangelization and Formation or the Bishop’s Delegate to the Hispanic Community, may the event be scheduled and publicly advertised. 

8 - The A. D. Times, AD Today, and other official Diocese of Allentown media outlets will not accept copy for ads for programs regarding spiritual talks or services unless the advertisement request is accompanied by the letter of approval from the Executive Director of Evangelization and Formation or the Bishop’s Delegate to the Hispanic Community. 

Steps to follow for speaker approval if the speaker is: 


1. Submit the completed “Request for Authorization for a Speaker” form along with the proper endorsements. 

a. Letter of Suitability for Ministry for priests/deacons from his proper diocesan bishop to Bishop Schlert and reviewed by the Vicar for Clergy, or 

b. Letter of endorsement from Religious Superior for a religious priests and deacons to Bishop Schlert and reviewed by the Vicar for Clergy. 

Non-Ordained Religious: 

1. Submit the completed “Request for Authorization for a Speaker” form along with the proper endorsements. 

a. Letter of endorsement from his or her current proper Religious Superior 

b. Background checks, if required. Please contact the Secretary for Catholic Health, Human Services, and Youth Protection to determine if this will be required. 

Lay Men and Women: 

1. Submit the completed “Request for Authorization for a Speaker” form along with the proper endorsements. 

a. Letter of endorsement by his or her current proper Bishop. 

b. Background checks, if required. Please contact the Secretary of Catholic Health, Human Services, and Youth Protection to determine if this will be required. 

Policy approved by Most Reverend Edward P. Cullen at Council of Priests Meeting: March 3, 2007 

Episcopal re-approval, Most Reverend John O. Barres: July 28, 2011 

Revised: November 2015 

Revised and approved by Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert: October 16, 2018 

Revised and approved by Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert: June 18, 2024